So, you've been around the block a couple of times and the buildings haven't changed much. You've been a medic for 5 years and are starting to get a little bold, somehow and for whatever reason, you've decided you might want to get out of your comfort zone with XYZ Ambulance or St. Giagantic's Hospital, or maybe even the I'm a FIREFIGHTER-paramedic "Lego-land City Fire Department". Maybe you were even that rarest of breeds, that paramedic of legend, the one who manages to rock out a one piece flight suit and aviator glasses at midnight. "Flightus paramedicus". Whatever you are or were, you're stretching your wings and looking out of the nest. Well my friend, its a big world out here, and the drop from the nest isn't that far. So grab a cup of coffee and come on. We'll see if we can't get you oriented.
Number 1: You are probably looking because you're not happy where your at, maybe you work for some old fat guy who hasn't been on the truck in 20 years, maybe you work for peanuts-literally, maybe your one of those people dragging the salary down for all of us because you volunteer and do the job for free and finally decided it was time to make some money. Whatever the reason, if your not happy where your at, you won't be happy here. Please turn around, get your head screwed on straight and come back later when you figure out that only you can make you happy. Money and sand does not make a man happy.
Now then, if your decently happy where your at and you'd like a challenge--come on in.
If you need to make some money for a year or two and your not hated or about to be fired where your at...Come on in, money we have, lots of it.
Number 2: I now know some things about Dubai and the UAE, I know a little about Qatar and Kuwait, and I even know a little bit about Iraq and Afghanistan. I am qualified to give you guidance on none of these places! I am only qualified to give you a little guidance on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and even that is from a newcomers perspective. But "out of the mouths of babes oft times come gems". So here we go.
Oh, and just so I don't get myself in any trouble:
"The views presented here are just the views of some asshole named Geoff, they are not necessarily the views of my employer, my co-workers, my wife, my family or anybody else. First hand knowledge and second hand accounts were used to compile the information, these are not scientific facts and figures. These views are not necessarily supported or endorsed by the KSA and the author makes absolutely no claim that they are."
Number 1: You are probably looking because you're not happy where your at, maybe you work for some old fat guy who hasn't been on the truck in 20 years, maybe you work for peanuts-literally, maybe your one of those people dragging the salary down for all of us because you volunteer and do the job for free and finally decided it was time to make some money. Whatever the reason, if your not happy where your at, you won't be happy here. Please turn around, get your head screwed on straight and come back later when you figure out that only you can make you happy. Money and sand does not make a man happy.
Now then, if your decently happy where your at and you'd like a challenge--come on in.
If you need to make some money for a year or two and your not hated or about to be fired where your at...Come on in, money we have, lots of it.
Number 2: I now know some things about Dubai and the UAE, I know a little about Qatar and Kuwait, and I even know a little bit about Iraq and Afghanistan. I am qualified to give you guidance on none of these places! I am only qualified to give you a little guidance on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and even that is from a newcomers perspective. But "out of the mouths of babes oft times come gems". So here we go.
Where to work
University or College: high salary, good conditions: (65k-100k)
Institute: Low Salary, poor conditions: (40k-60k)
Ambulance: Med-High salary, poor conditions (50k-70k)
Private Flight Ambulance: high salary, good conditions(65k-100k)
Hospital: high salary, decent conditions (80k-100k)
Oil Company: (all of the above and Rig medicine): 60k-???, Varies, I have no real, tangible reports to go on here, I'm told its boring, cold or hot, and more like being a PA than a medic.
Desirable Certifications and Experience
A criminal record can be a deal breaker, A DWI 10 years ago won't kill you, but if you got arrested last year for domestic violence...don't even bother
Degrees and Such:
Instructor Certs (AHA/NAEMT):
Provider Certs
These are the highly recognizable certs that are valued here, that isn't to say that other certs aren't helpful, but these are the ones they want. How many do you have? If you can check off at least two in every category, your doing good!
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