Read Me/Disclaimer

Read Me/Disclaimer: This is a non-political/socio-political blog. It's a running tale of my Saudi Arabian adventure, great, good, bad, and ugly. It is uncensored, and I don't really care what you think of it, read it or don't. I don't care. I did not decide to do this as a means to an end, but rather to document the means with which I occupied my time while waiting for my end... All that being said, I'm an American Expat in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The opportunity to help build this system and the salary that accompanied it were to good to pass up.-Geoff

"The views presented here are just the views of some asshole named Geoff, they are not necessarily the views of my employer, my co-workers, my family or anybody else. First hand knowledge and second hand accounts were used to compile the information. These are not scientific facts and figures. These views are not necessarily supported, endorsed or even appreciated by the KSA the USA or any other country for that matter and the author makes absolutely no claim that they are."**

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Another day come and gone...

Well folks, as of yesterday its officially been 5 months since I woke up, shook off the feelings of doubt, threw the suitcases in the back of my brother in laws truck and headed for the airport.  What felt like 4 days later I landed in Riyadh, but it was actually only Nov. 12th.  Started work at 10 am Nov. 13th and have been going ever since. 

Last night I celebrated my 5 month anniversary not by drinking, or partying but by going and doing some field research as an SRCA volunteer on my first night shift.  As I explained to the guys, I was brought here to do a job, regardless of how many times my job description has changed, and regardless of how many times somebody  has told me "no you are instructor, I be here many year, you just teach".  I was recruited and hired and paid to do a job.  Which was the all too simple task of improve the quality of EMS education in the Kingdom, and ensure that the graduates of this program would be able to hold their own with their American counterparts.  Although I keep it a little more secretive these days, I'm still following that original mission statement.  Part of improving things involves analyzing existing systems, issues and challenges.  So for me, field research means getting out on an ambulance or on an ALS truck and seeing what these guys really do for a living and what these students need to be able to do.